
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

November Lunch Plans

Apparently, it is true that Bill Craig has sold his restaurant in Newport Beach.  The USC Trojan Swimmers Group is certainly welcomed to continue having lunches at the restaurant.  However, I thought it appropriate to check with the group to determine whether other lunch sites may be more appropriate.   I have not spoken to Bill, but I am sure he will continue to serve as host of our future lunches.

The other item is the suggestion to have monthly lunches for those who can make it.  As you may or may not know, I am taking videos of former Trojan Swimmers to include in next year's celebration of Peter's 90th Birthday Party to be held April 17, 2011 at USC.   Having more frequent lunches will facilitate the opportunity of including as many Trojan Swimmers as possible. 

So, let me know your thoughts (   I will be sending out emails to the group to continue this discussion.


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