
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Next Lunch to be held November 5, 2011 and more on Peter's 90th Birthday

Please read the email and request below from John Naber about submitting a video for use in Peter's 90th Birthday party to be held next April, April 17, 2011 (See the notice from Ingrid below).   In addition, please mark your calendar for Friday, November 5th for the next Trojan Swimmer Lunch to be held at Billy's at the Beach, 2751 W Coast Hwy, Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 722-1100.  As many of you already know, I have begun to take videos to provide to John and I look forward to seeing many of you again on Nov 5th with some great stories/memories of whoop whoop Daland.   I am keeping a head count so please let me know if you can make the next lunch (for those of you that are digitally challenged and actually look at legitimate email that possibly ends up in your junk file, please hit the "reply" key and add me to your safe list).

Also, please pass the word onto other trojan swimmers since I am still building and adding to the contact list.   I will also post notices in the swimmer blog:

Can you please forward this email to your mailing list of USC swimmers?  (Be sure that Peter Daland’s email is not among your addresses.)  Thanks!

Fellow Trojan swimmers,

As you may know, Coach Peter Daland will be turning 90 years young in April of next year.  Many of his swimmers want to do something special for the man, and I think we might have the perfect idea...

Thanks to the magic of video technology, we are planning to produce a video tribute from as many of his swimmers as we can locate.

If you have a digital video camera (or know someone who does) would you be willing to record yourself answering the following questions?

1)      What is your favorite Peter Daland “memory”?
2)      Which of Peter’s various quotes do you remember most often, even to this day?
3)      What lesson did Peter teach you that you appreciate the most?
4)      Also, please be sure to “slate” yourself (name, year, events and any “team captain” or other swimming related titles...)

Please make your answers “stand alone” (i.e.: not have to have the question appear on the video), and please be sure to speak loudly and clearly.  You know how coach Daland is with the “Queen’s English”.  If your answers run about 30 seconds apiece, (120 SECONDS IN TOTAL) that should work just fine.

Please burn the footage onto a DVD (or jump drive) and mail it to me at the PO Box address below and I will begin editing the footage into a single program.  We will present the finished copy to Coach Daland on his birthday, and I will post the full program on YouTube and send a link to all the participants.

I’d prefer to have the footage by January 1, but in any case please don’t delay.

Also, please forward this email to any other of Peter’s USC (or LA Athletic Club) swimmers you happen to know (but don’t tell Coach Daland or Ingrid, please!).

If coach was as big an influence on your life as he was on mine, I am confident that the greetings will mean the world to him.  Please participate and encourage others to do so as well.  If you don’t have any high-tech experience, get one of your kids (or grandkids) to help!

Fight on!

John Naber
Post Office Box 50107
Pasadena, CA 91115
(626) 795-7675

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