
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More sad news, this time Lee Arth

Hi Chuck
I'm sad to report more bad news in our swimming community.  Lee Arth was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer recently.   The oncologist has decided to do chemo for now rather than surgery. Lee considered that to be bad news. Sydney has come to their home from Hawaii. 
Here is the contact info.
Lee and Kay Arth
22228 Whirlaway
Canyon Lake, CA 92587
Kay has asked that all communication be by email for the time being.
Lee's first symptom was four weeks ago. I hope they've caught this early enough.

Lee was my coach before I came to USC. Lee was the coach at Sammy Lee Swim School and Fullerton High School in the early and mid 60's. Lee also coached many other Trojans, including John Porter, Paul Jeffers, Jeff Pearce, Tony Gleason, and Bill Johnson.
Also Dick Gilbert and Gary Hall from Indiana and Russ and Torrey Webb from UCLA.
Lee's daughter, Sydney, was an Olympic Trials finalist in 64 in the 200 fly.
Lee holds many age group world records as a senior swimmer.
Lee is the only athlete to earn four letters in one year at The University of California Berkeley; water lo, swimming, basketball and volleyball. Lee graduated in 1944 I believe.
Lee coached for many years at Rio Hondo before retiring.
Lee and his wife, Kay live in Canyon Lake, CA.
Thanks Chuck,


  1. Lee Arth passed July 7, 2012. His celebration of Life was held July 15, 2012 and was attended by USC swimmers Paul Jeffers, Mike Caretto, John Porter, and Andy Strenk.

  2. Lee Arth was my swim coach at Sammy Lee Swim School from the ages of 5 thru 9. He even awarded me a trophy as Most Improved Swimmer and I was never more proud. Always a devoted coach, motivating all of us to do our best, he was most devoted to his children who all swam on the team as well. My family moved to Northern California and I stopped swimming competitively. I tried but all coaches paled in comparison. I have thought of Lee often over the years and I hope he knew how important he was to so many. He will be missed.

    Lisa Mackey
