
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Note from John Konrads from down under

Hello All,
Wow, what a mailing list!!! I just want to give you my life milestones since my life-changing experience at USC from '61 till I left in January 64 returning to Oz and scraping into Tokyo '64.
Those of you who have responded without copy to all, I will add my personal response. 
Starting from the present;
- Early this year my wife Mikki and I, with two out of three adult children have moved to; 15 Orealla Cres. Sunrise Beach, Queensland 4567, Oz [read Australia]. Check us out on Google earth, the house with the light green roof, no swim pool but 300 yards to the beach. Two of our 'kids' have had mental disorders, well under control with medication, and I have been diagnosed with Bipolar 2, a milder form of manic depressive, so that's why I was the life of the party with Denny and Henriks at Tri-Delts and Beta's... bullshit! no analysis-paralysis! I am a pioneer in speaking out publicly about depression etc. and eminent psychiatrists worldwide regard us as the best in the world in the 'de-stigmatisation' of mental disorders, often swept under the carpet. I give speeches on the subject in my new career as Guest Speaker [see website].
- Our 2nd born, Laura is a fashion industry name here, and goes to New York for shoots, etc.
Back to history;
- Check out my website below, but on 8/11/2010 my wife [Maijke Bunder from Amsterdam, aka. Mikki] and I are celebrating our 42nd anniversary, no thanks to me!!
- I've had a tough life; Jon Henricks led me astray when I was a 14 y.o. junior star [Bonnie is sick of the story]. When I came to USC, Bob Horn was my patron [not an alumni] and I had to drive his Beetle to and from Lincoln S&L. down the Santa Anna.. welcome to LA!!! Following Murray, I became a Beta Theta Pi, an eminent bunch of guys who occasionally destroyed the Frat house. As Peter Daland will confirm, California Girls led to my downfall, as well as Coors Beer [when Aussi mates visited me and read the label 'it's the water' they said 'sure is!!' because of lack of taste and alcohol %].
- Anyway, my triple gold at the 1963 NCAA's paid for my scholarship, said Peter. Saw Peter and Ingrid at Sydney 2000. Peter, you still had your 'Suewarthemoore'... attitude and you continue to speak too loud... how embarrassing for an Aussie draft kid in '61 at a fancy LA restaurant.. Bill Ross picked up the tab... How come your belly is smaller then mine???
More to come if you folks want to; [prejudice; with brownies out of a powerful car on the corner of Figueroa and Adams yelling 'Nigger', then returning to LA in '69 and seeing white girls hand in hand with black guys on the sacred USC campus!]  My profound esteem and admiration for USA culture and adaptability lives on forever!
Kind regards to you all!
John Konrads
Mobile 0407 560 568

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More sad news, this time Lee Arth

Hi Chuck
I'm sad to report more bad news in our swimming community.  Lee Arth was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer recently.   The oncologist has decided to do chemo for now rather than surgery. Lee considered that to be bad news. Sydney has come to their home from Hawaii. 
Here is the contact info.
Lee and Kay Arth
22228 Whirlaway
Canyon Lake, CA 92587
Kay has asked that all communication be by email for the time being.
Lee's first symptom was four weeks ago. I hope they've caught this early enough.

Lee was my coach before I came to USC. Lee was the coach at Sammy Lee Swim School and Fullerton High School in the early and mid 60's. Lee also coached many other Trojans, including John Porter, Paul Jeffers, Jeff Pearce, Tony Gleason, and Bill Johnson.
Also Dick Gilbert and Gary Hall from Indiana and Russ and Torrey Webb from UCLA.
Lee's daughter, Sydney, was an Olympic Trials finalist in 64 in the 200 fly.
Lee holds many age group world records as a senior swimmer.
Lee is the only athlete to earn four letters in one year at The University of California Berkeley; water lo, swimming, basketball and volleyball. Lee graduated in 1944 I believe.
Lee coached for many years at Rio Hondo before retiring.
Lee and his wife, Kay live in Canyon Lake, CA.
Thanks Chuck,

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Roger "Chopper" Lyon killed in Baja plane crash

Just wanted to let you know that the memorial for Ryon "Chop" Lyon s next Friday the 29th of October at 2:00pm. It will be on the Hearst property at the day lodge, I believe that is what it is called. Check Google for the obit that will give the exact location. Hope to see you there.
Thomas O Ludwig
T Wig Consulting & Marketing
Phone (503) 522-6865
Fax (503) 954-2050

I am sad to report the news of Chopper (Roger) Lyon's death in a plane crash as reported below.  Roger was a long time pilot for the Flying Samaritans which makes this a double tragedy.  See below.

Subject: RE: RE: Chopper Lyon death?
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 14:31:42 -0700

I entered “Roger Lyon” on the search and went to the story.  Also called Ingrid.
It is really tragic news.  I sent a note to Susan>  She will need a lot of support.  Unfortunately I know all too well how the Lyon family is feeling.

Here is the CNN link.  It is no surprise that he was out helping people.

It is indeed ironic that two swimmers in the 1970 team are no longer with us:  Roger and Mark .  Double click to enlarge:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Next Lunch to be held November 5, 2011 and more on Peter's 90th Birthday

Please read the email and request below from John Naber about submitting a video for use in Peter's 90th Birthday party to be held next April, April 17, 2011 (See the notice from Ingrid below).   In addition, please mark your calendar for Friday, November 5th for the next Trojan Swimmer Lunch to be held at Billy's at the Beach, 2751 W Coast Hwy, Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 722-1100.  As many of you already know, I have begun to take videos to provide to John and I look forward to seeing many of you again on Nov 5th with some great stories/memories of whoop whoop Daland.   I am keeping a head count so please let me know if you can make the next lunch (for those of you that are digitally challenged and actually look at legitimate email that possibly ends up in your junk file, please hit the "reply" key and add me to your safe list).

Also, please pass the word onto other trojan swimmers since I am still building and adding to the contact list.   I will also post notices in the swimmer blog:

Can you please forward this email to your mailing list of USC swimmers?  (Be sure that Peter Daland’s email is not among your addresses.)  Thanks!

Fellow Trojan swimmers,

As you may know, Coach Peter Daland will be turning 90 years young in April of next year.  Many of his swimmers want to do something special for the man, and I think we might have the perfect idea...

Thanks to the magic of video technology, we are planning to produce a video tribute from as many of his swimmers as we can locate.

If you have a digital video camera (or know someone who does) would you be willing to record yourself answering the following questions?

1)      What is your favorite Peter Daland “memory”?
2)      Which of Peter’s various quotes do you remember most often, even to this day?
3)      What lesson did Peter teach you that you appreciate the most?
4)      Also, please be sure to “slate” yourself (name, year, events and any “team captain” or other swimming related titles...)

Please make your answers “stand alone” (i.e.: not have to have the question appear on the video), and please be sure to speak loudly and clearly.  You know how coach Daland is with the “Queen’s English”.  If your answers run about 30 seconds apiece, (120 SECONDS IN TOTAL) that should work just fine.

Please burn the footage onto a DVD (or jump drive) and mail it to me at the PO Box address below and I will begin editing the footage into a single program.  We will present the finished copy to Coach Daland on his birthday, and I will post the full program on YouTube and send a link to all the participants.

I’d prefer to have the footage by January 1, but in any case please don’t delay.

Also, please forward this email to any other of Peter’s USC (or LA Athletic Club) swimmers you happen to know (but don’t tell Coach Daland or Ingrid, please!).

If coach was as big an influence on your life as he was on mine, I am confident that the greetings will mean the world to him.  Please participate and encourage others to do so as well.  If you don’t have any high-tech experience, get one of your kids (or grandkids) to help!

Fight on!

John Naber
Post Office Box 50107
Pasadena, CA 91115
(626) 795-7675

Mark Your Calendar

 Save the date for


                     SUNDAY APRIL 17, 2011

                               12:00 O’CLOCK


                           INVITATION TO FOLLOW

                      All swimmers from the “Daland Era”

                               1958 - 1992 are invited
                                      USC and LAAC

             Please help us to "find" team mates.
        If you know of  swimmers or former coaches 
                   that we might be missing,
     send me an address, e-mail - or any other contact.
               This is not a surprise, feel free to call 
                       or send an e-mail
         Paul Davidson

          I am looking forward to seeing you.

Ingrid Daland

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

November Lunch Plans

Apparently, it is true that Bill Craig has sold his restaurant in Newport Beach.  The USC Trojan Swimmers Group is certainly welcomed to continue having lunches at the restaurant.  However, I thought it appropriate to check with the group to determine whether other lunch sites may be more appropriate.   I have not spoken to Bill, but I am sure he will continue to serve as host of our future lunches.

The other item is the suggestion to have monthly lunches for those who can make it.  As you may or may not know, I am taking videos of former Trojan Swimmers to include in next year's celebration of Peter's 90th Birthday Party to be held April 17, 2011 at USC.   Having more frequent lunches will facilitate the opportunity of including as many Trojan Swimmers as possible. 

So, let me know your thoughts (   I will be sending out emails to the group to continue this discussion.


USC Alumni Relays, October 1, 2010

Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 17:20:12 -0700

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for joining us for the ALUMNI events of this past weekend. I am proud of the weekend we have organized and grown over the past four years. It is truly a celebration of our past and our present and a vision of our future. Personally it means a lot to me that you will take the time to be with your friends from the past and celebrate with the team of the now. It is great to be a Trojan and I think our team better understand that when they can celebrate our past season and look to the current season with you and your teammates of the past.

Thanks again for joining us and thanks for your continued support. Please forward me any suggestions you might so that we can continue to improve the program for the alums, the team and their parents.

On another note our parents, led by Jaime Lendrum (Alex Lendrum ’13) did an outstanding job raising nearly $20,000 on our silent auction and raffle.

Thanks again.

Dave Salo
Head Coach

Subject: RE: Splits for Relays
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 09:33:47 -0700


Having been a member of the Trojan family for just over 4 months I can see what a special place USC is and what I missed out on (especially being a California native). It was great to see all the mature J faces reminiscing at the banquet and on the pool deck. I glad you enjoyed the weekend and I will work on getting you those splits asap.

Please stay in touch and I look forward to speaking with you again.


Kevin Clements
The University of Southern California
Assistant Coach, Men's and Women's Swimming
(213) 309-9108 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              (213) 309-9108      end_of_the_skype_highlighting cell

The Swimmers (Class of 1967):

Wayne Anderson, Frank Bates and Chuck Milam courtesy of Ingrid Daland (and shown below Paul Jeffers).   Wayne Anderson and Sharon Finnerman. Paul Jeffers and friend Kathy. Double click on picture to enlarge:

200 Medley Relay- Class of 1967-68 (Ken Krueger, Wayne Anderson, Chuck Milam, Frank Bates)

200 Free Relay- Class of 1967-68 (Ken Krueger, Paul Jeffers, Chuck Milam, frank bates):

The Boys are alright (USC Marching band at Heritage Hall before game):