
Friday, May 11, 2012

May 9, 2012 Lunch at Gulliver's in Orange County

Double click on images below to enlarge:

Our Table

Warm Up

More Warm UP- from left George Watson, Mike Caretto, Ken Doesburg, Paul Jeffers,
Jack Tingley, Rich McGeagh

Russ Kidder, George Watson, Sandy Gilchrist

Tony Gleason, Ken Krueger, Joe Hohm, Dick McDermott

Coach Salo, Ken Doesburg, Jack Tingley, Rich McGeagh

Paul Jeffers, John Porter, Mike Caretto, Tony Gleason, Coach Salo

Coach Salo, Ken, Jack, Rich

Lunch Menu

Trojan Swim Articles

Video of Coach Salo on the status of Trojan Swimming at USC (CLICK ON ARROW TO START VIDEO and if the first video does not open, trying the second video):

Plans for new Swim Stadium

More Trojan Swim news from the past

Two Shirts as raffle items

John, the famous, Porter Pottie and Andy Strenk

Sandy Gilchrist, Ken Doesburg and Rich McGeagh

George Watson and Ken Krueger

Paul Jeffers and Joe Hohm

Chuck Milam, John Porter and Andy Strenk

Joe Hohm, Chuck, John and Andy

Paul Jeffers, Chuck, John and Andy

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