
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 14, 2010 Quarterly Lunch at Billy's at the Beach

18 Trojan Swimmers attended the June 14th quarterly lunch. This was the biggest turnout so far and thanks to owner Bill and the Bianci Magnum of wine, the conversation and chatter flowed freely and loosely.

Click on the black screen arrows below several times to start buffering to view the video:

Double click on images below to enlarge:
Dick, Rich and Don

Jack, Ken and Fred

Joe and Wayne

Wayne, John and Bill

Rich and George

Bill and Rich

John and Joe

Sandy, John and Joe

Ken and Fred

Dick, Andy, Don

Wine and beauty of the day

Ken and Rich

Fred said he doesn't drink wine, but he guzzled the Bianchi

Fred and his new found love of wine

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