
Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 4, 2009 Trojan Swimmers Lunch at Billy's at the Beach

17 Swimmers attended the lunch on December 4, 2009 (click on arrow
below to start video 1):

Pictured below from the 7 o'clock position going clockwise: Rich McGeagh ('66), Jack Tingley ('74), Paul Jeffers ('67), Diver and honorary swimmer Dick McDermott ('69), Wayne Anderson ('67), Phil Hauser ('70), George Watson ('69), Peter Jonker ('70), Tony Gleason ('68), Don Havens ('69), John Lambert ('68), Ken Krueger ('68), John Porter ('68), Greg Fink ('70), Ken Doesburg ('65), Bill Craig ('66) and photographer Chuck Milam ('67). Double click on image below to enlarge:

More Fight on (Porter really has hit full stride with the video camera) :

In the past two years, USC has lost two great swimmers: Mark Mader
last year and then earlier this year Roy Saari. Jack says a few words
below concerning the Mark Meador scholarship fund:

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