
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Peter Daland Celebration of Life

A great reunion of Trojan swimmers occurred on November 21, 2014 to honor Peter Daland.   The following are pictures taken with my Galaxy 5 cell phone.  Double click to enlarge image:

From left: Don Oliphant, Chuck Milam and Dick McDermott

Lane 6



Leslie Daland James

From left side: Russ Kidder, Don Havens,Don Oliphant,  Ken Krueger, John Porter, Cheryl and Fred Shaw, Wayne Anderson, Ken Doesburg, Mile Caretto, Bill Brown, Paul Jeffers, Dennis West, Dick McDermott

From Left: Wayne and Michelle Anderson, Ken Doesburg, Mike Caretto, Bill Brown, Paul Jeffers, Dennis West, Dick McDermott, Fred Shaw, Chuck Milam, Russ Kidder, Don Havens, Don Oliphant, Ken Krueger


Thursday, March 6, 2014

USC Holds Grand Opening For Uytengsu Aquatics Center on Feb 21, 2014

Chuck has sent you the following story
that may be of interest from the Official Site of
University of Southern California.
Click the link below to go to the story: