
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Post from Ken Krueger on JK McKay interview

Have you seen this interview of JK McKay? Great.

I hope to see you at Alumni Relays---starts at 9. Swimmers lunch Friday before at El Cholos Downtown at 11:30-1+.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Annual Swim Banquet (early this year) Sept 10 th.

University of Southern California Department of Intercollegiate Athletics

And the Swimming and Diving Teams


Invite you to join them in celebrating the
2010-11 season honoring their seniors.

Saturday, September 10th 2011
Galen Center-Hall of Fame
11:30 a.m. Brunch

Please enter through the south doors.
Parking will be available for $8 at Gate 3 on Figueroa and McCarthy Way

Please RSVP by September 5th with enclosed card.
For information email or call

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendars - Detailed Info forthcoming

Friday September 9: Next Trojan Swimmers Lunch with Coaches at El Chollo's Downtown LA Restaurant on Flower just north of 11th Street (Park in lot just south of restaurant which is on the west side of Flower Street) beginning at 11:30 am.

Saturday September 10:  Alumni Relays (early this year) beginning at 9 am..

September 10:   Annual Swim Awards Banquet (lunch this time not dinner) at Galen Center (Parents Weekend) beginning at 11:30 am

September 10:  4:30 pm kickoff, USC vs. UTAH football game at Coliseum.

Flyers to be published when received in a week or so.