
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

When one is retired as I am, there is time to re-visit the past. The picture below is one such project. Trojan Swimmers were highlighted with some beauties from Glamor Magazine, a copy of which I have kept since the May 1967 magazine publication.

This picture was also reviewed as to the identification of the swimmers at the last TS quarterly lunch meeting on March 18, 2010. It was noted that the swimmers below were part of the Peter Daland, USC non water polo players who worked out at the LA Athletic Club in downtown Los Angeles during the non-swim college season.

However, after all these years, the truth has come out that Wayne Anderson in the picture below had cut water polo practice to get his picture taken. He is the one who appears in the upper left corner of the picture and was looking to his left and not straight ahead when the picture was taken:

Pictured beginning on the extreme left are: Don Havens, Chuck Milam (behind Don), unknown, Wayne Anderson (background), Joe Hohm, Lauren Hutton, unknown swimmer in background, John Lambert in middle, Kent Carney in front, Bill Johnson, Bruce Evans (center), Jack Hinds (in front) , Cheryl Tiegs, Russ Kidder (left side), Don Oliphnat (right side), John Porter on right side of Cheryl, Fred Shaw and Buddy Frank Bates behind John and Fred. Dean Willeford is possibly one of the unidentified swimmers.