
Monday, August 30, 2021

Trojan Swimmers Post Pandemic (after 4 years) Lunch at Gullivers, August 30, 2021

13 former Trojan Swimmers enjoyed a long overdue lunch at Gulliver's Restaurant in Irvine, Orange County with special guest Kaleigh Gilchrist and her Olympic Gold First Place Medal as a member of the USA Women's Water Polo team:

From left- Greg Fink, Paul Jeffers, Joe Hohm, Ben Franklin, Tony Gleason, Chuck Milam taking picture and John Porter,

Chip Furniss, Ken Krueger and Don Havens

Allen Gilchrist, Andy Strenk and Sandy Gilchrist

Kaleigh Gilchrist and Proud Father Sandy

Ken Krueger

Tony Gleason


John Porter







Don Havens

 Chuck Milam



And a special thank you to the staff of Gulliver's Restaurant for setting aside the corner area for our group.  The next TS blog update will include pictures of Andrianna. our server. 

Friday, February 15, 2019

A glimpse of the past

Tony Gleason sent this picture to me.  How many Trojans can you identify in the first picture?

Thanks to Julian Bonze and Ben Franklin, the following two pictures are now part of the Trojan Swimmers blog.  Can you guess what year?

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Update on Trojan Swimmers Feb 7, 2019

Several issues remain with my previous post of the Trojan Swimmers lunch in Newport Beach:

Jack Tingley was snow bound until Saturday.
Tony Gleason was omitted in the groups lunch picture.
I am not sure if Jeff Pearce, Sandy Gilchrist and maybe others received any of my lunch notices.

So, here is the group's revised blog picture:

Clockwise: Don Havens, Ken Krueger, Bill Brown, Don Oliphant, John Porter, Joe Hohm, Chuck Milam, Tony Gleason, Ben Franklin, Ken Doesburg, Dick McDermott and Paul Jeffers.

Friday, February 8, 2019

February 7, 2019 Trojan Swimmers Lunch

Another enjoyable Trojan swimmers lunch was held at The Classic Q Sports Bar in Newport Beach on February 7, 2019.  12 Trojans were present while Jack Tingley was shoveling snow in Lake Arrowhead and Greg Fink was called away on business and could not attend.  Conversations were multi faceted, complex, funny and other than Woop Woop, Peter was not mentioned, to wit:

Clockwise: Don Havens, Ken Krueger, Bill Brown, Don Oliphant, John Porter, Joe Hohm, Chuck Milam, Tony Gleason, Ben Franklin, Ken Doesburg, Dick McDermott and Paul Jeffers.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September 18, 2017 Trojan Swimmers lunch downtown LA

Our lunch venue was changed to downtown Los Angeles where we got together at the El Cholo Restaurant on Flower Street in downtown LA.  Although we did not know it at the time, and according to Russ Kidder who lives nearby, numerous high rise buildings are planed to be constructed next to and maybe on the restaurant site.  .El Cholo may be on its last legs.  So we'll see.

From left: Julian Bonse, Joe Holm, Ken Krueger, Russ Kidder, Chuck Milam and Dick McDermott.  Not able to make it (business or client meetings no excuse) were Andy Strenk, John Porter and Ken Ziskin.

Monday, February 27, 2017

February 27, 2017 Trojan Swimmers Lunch

For the first time all 18 Trojan Swimmers who RSVP'd actually made it to another Trojan Swimmer's Lunch at Gulliver's Restaurant in Irvine on February 27, 2017.   It has been a long time since we last met at Gulliver's and the first since the passing of Billy Craig.

Of those who wanted to attend but could not included Mike Caretto who was stuck in heavy rain in Temecula, Steve Saylor had a family situation up north, Chip Furniss was out of state making some business deals, Russ Kidder was a shut-in in downtown LA, Rich McGeagh was enjoying the good life and family in Tennessee, and Fred Shaw was coaching his Masters Swim Team.  Ken Ziskin really had the best excuse (colonoscopy) and, as usual, my swim buddy Bruce Kocsis refused to leave the safety of Manhattan Beach.   Frank Buddy Bates was in town from Sandy, Utah, visiting his fraternity brother in Manhattan Beach so we car-pooled together down from Manhattan Beach.  It was a lot of fun as you can see from the following pictures taken with my cell phone:

From left Kurt Krueger, Ken Krueger, Dick McDermott, Frank Bates, Ben Franklin, Ken Doesburg

Ben Franklin, Class of 1963

Sprinter Don Havens, 1969

Breaststroker Wayne Anderson, 1967 and Olympian in the Tokyo 1964 Olympics

Mr. Porter Potty himself, John Porter, 1968 and Wayne Anderson

Dick McDermott, Diver, 1968 and Tony Gleason, 1968

Kurt Krueger, Ken's twin and 1500 Champ Jack Tingley, 1974 and Trojan Club Organizer

Paul Jeffers, 1967, Ken Krueger, 1968, Frank Bates, 1967, and Greg Fink, 1970

Jack Tingley, Greg Fink and Chuck Milam, 1967

Frank Bates, John Porter and Sandy Gilchrist, 1967

Ken Krueger, Paul Jeffers, Wayne Anderson, Frank Bates, John Porter, and Sandy Gilchrist

Sandy Gilchrist and Peter Jonker, 1971

All Class of 1967 including Don Oliphant in the middle

Kaleigh Gilchrist's Water Polo Gold Medal, 2016 Rio Olympics

Andrew Strenk, 1971

Don Oliphant's Olympic Experience and proud father Sandy Gilchrist

Ibid and Don Havens

Our Group- More Tables Next Time

Friday, July 10, 2015

July 9, 2015 Trojan Swimmers Lunch

The long overdue and most recent Trojan Swimmers Lunch was held at Gulliver's in Orange County on July 9, 2015.   In attendance were:
Ken and Joe 
Andy, Chip and Tony
John, Rich and Dick
Jack and Chuck
The 10 of Us
Jack and his Chicken
Joe;s and Chuck's Club Sandwich

John's Chicken Salad

Ken;s Steak

Chip and his Hamburger

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Peter Daland Celebration of Life

A great reunion of Trojan swimmers occurred on November 21, 2014 to honor Peter Daland.   The following are pictures taken with my Galaxy 5 cell phone.  Double click to enlarge image:

From left: Don Oliphant, Chuck Milam and Dick McDermott

Lane 6



Leslie Daland James

From left side: Russ Kidder, Don Havens,Don Oliphant,  Ken Krueger, John Porter, Cheryl and Fred Shaw, Wayne Anderson, Ken Doesburg, Mile Caretto, Bill Brown, Paul Jeffers, Dennis West, Dick McDermott

From Left: Wayne and Michelle Anderson, Ken Doesburg, Mike Caretto, Bill Brown, Paul Jeffers, Dennis West, Dick McDermott, Fred Shaw, Chuck Milam, Russ Kidder, Don Havens, Don Oliphant, Ken Krueger